How bird photography has profoundly changed my view of the natural world!

A year ago, I stumbled upon bird photography quite by accident. I was on a walk, near the forest of Jim Corbett, camera in hand, when I noticed a vibrant Kingfisher bird perched on a nearby branch. Capturing that moment sparked something within me. Later after a month, I went on a trip to Udaipur, Rajasthan, where unexpectedly I found many species of birds Indian Robin, Purple Sunbird, Spotted Owl, and more. What started as a casual interest quickly turned into a passionate pursuit. I came back home and started looking for local habitats around my hometown so I could go out there and see more species of birds. Bird photography opened my eyes to the incredible diversity and beauty of the avian world. Each outing with my camera became an adventure, revealing new species and behaviors that I had never noticed before. This hobby not only improved my photography skills but also deepened my appreciation for nature. I began to see the world around me in a new light, paying closer attention to any bird, their sounds, and their lives.

Indian SilverBill – captured at Sanjay Van by Tamanjeet Singh

As my passion for bird photography is growing, so is my awareness of the challenges birds face. I began to understand more about the habitats of the birds I was photographing and learned that many of these habitats are under threat from human activities. Urban development, pollution, and deforestation are just a few of the issues that are putting pressure on bird populations. The places that once were home to many migratory and resident bird species are now slowly being degraded. I noticed areas where forests were being cut down, wetlands were being drained, and pollution was taking its toll on local wildlife. These changes are happening at an alarming rate, pushing many bird species to the brink of extinction.

Chandu Wetland, Gurgaon – captured by Tamanjeet Singh

The more I learned about these threats, the more I realized the importance of taking action. Birds are essential to the environment. They help control insect populations, pollinate plants, and spread seeds, contributing to the health of various ecosystems. When their habitats are threatened, it’s not just the birds that suffer, but the entire ecosystem.

So, how can we protect these precious habitats?

First and foremost, conservation efforts need our support. Many organizations work tirelessly to protect bird habitats through various initiatives. Donating to these groups or volunteering your time can make a significant difference. Additionally, supporting sustainable practices in our daily lives can reduce the pressure on bird habitats. This includes using less plastic, choosing products that are sustainably sourced, and reducing our carbon footprint.

Another powerful way to help is by raising awareness. Sharing what you learn about bird conservation with others can inspire them to take action. Social media, community talks, or even casual conversations with friends can spread the message. If more people understand the importance of preserving bird habitats, we can create a larger movement towards protecting these vital areas. Encouraging local governments to preserve and create more green spaces is another step we can take.

For the past few days, I have been looking for organizations or groups who work to encourage and facilitate the events or drive the movement to take action or raise voices to protect flora and fauna and the natural habitats of wildlife around us. One group I found called There Is No Earth B is exactly doing what I was looking for. They held several events from time to time to educate people, spread awareness, and run cleanup drives for the city’s forests, lakes, and rivers. I am trying to be in touch with them to see if I can volunteer in something somewhere. I found several petitions on their site to protect some lakes and forests. One of them is to protect “Sanjay Van” the only rich forest in Delhi. The government are planning to build a restaurant and other services within the forest premises to turn this forest into a Public Park. I recently signed a petition and sent a letter to the Chief Minister of Delhi and other departments of urban development to protect one of the green belts of Delhi and take their decision back.

I see how bird photography has profoundly changed my view of the natural world. It taught me to observe more closely and appreciate the delicate balance of our ecosystems. I am learning more about the importance of saving nature around us. It also showed me that even small actions can contribute to a larger cause. Whether it’s reducing plastic use, supporting conservation organizations, or simply spreading the word about the importance of protecting not just bird habitats but the whole environment, every effort counts. It has allowed me to combine my love for photography with meaningful work that contributes to the preservation of our planet. I am hoping to keep this interest alive within me and continue this journey.