Tuesday’s Picture Gallery

Ashy Prinia in her daily morning routine, looking for something to eat probably. Captures at Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary by Tamanjeet Singh.

Finally, I Found What I Was Seeking for long!!!

After what felt like an eternity of anticipation, I finally stumbled upon what I had been seeking throughout the long year. It was a moment I had been yearning for, a moment that filled me with an indescribable sense of joy and fulfillment. I had finally laid my eyes on the magnificent greater flamingo, right in front of me! The sight of the greater flamingos, with their elegant grace and vibrant hues, has been a dream I’ve nurtured for months.

Let me take you back to where it all began. Last year, I stumbled upon some fascinating information – every winter, flamingos migrate to certain parts of India, including some areas near Delhi/NCR, where I call home. The mere thought of witnessing these elegant creatures in their natural habitat sparked an uncontainable excitement within me. I couldn’t wait to see them with my own eyes and capture their beauty through my lens.

Fast forward to two weeks ago, armed with my camera and a heart full of anticipation, I embarked on a journey to the spot where flamingos were known to frequent. As I arrived, my eyes scanned the horizon, hoping for a glimpse of those graceful creatures. And there they were, three flamingos gracefully feeding in the distance.

Determined not to let the distance deter me, I pressed forward, inching closer with every step. With bated breath, I finally found myself in the presence of these majestic birds. With trembling hands, I aimed my camera and captured the moment I had been waiting for.

The image that greeted me through the lens was nothing short of breathtaking – the vivid pink plumage of the flamingos against the backdrop of the serene waterbody was a sight to behold. It was a moment frozen in time, etched forever in my memory.

As I stood there, soaking in the beauty of nature, I couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of gratitude. Gratitude for this opportunity to witness such splendor up close, gratitude for the wonders of the natural world, and gratitude for the simple joys that life has to offer.

In that moment, surrounded by the gentle rustle of the wind and the faint calls of the flamingos, I realized that sometimes, the most extraordinary experiences are found in the most unexpected places. And as I walked away, my heart overflowing with happiness, I knew that this encounter with the greater flamingos would remain a cherished memory for years to come.

Patience and Luck- Great Egret Catching Fish

It took half an hour of patience and a lot of clicks to catch this Great Egret with a fish in its mouth.

During my visit to Udaipur, I was waiting outside the speed-boating ticket booth at Fateh Sagar Lake when I saw this bird fishing. I took out my camera and started taking pictures of this bird. After a few clicks, I wanted to take a picture with the fish in her mouth but she was so fast in hunting and eating that I could not get a single shot with the fish in her mouth. I waited long and clicked so many pictures but no luck. All attempts to get the right moment captured failed. So I gave up and took my ticket from the counter and went in for the ride.

There was some time on the next ride as they were waiting for more people to arrive. That time I was the only one there and they don’t go on the ride unless there are at least 3-4 people on board. While waiting, I thought of trying again to get a perfect picture of the egret catching fish, so I took my camera back and started clicking again. And there the moment arrived!!! She caught the fish and it was bigger than the others and so maybe she couldn’t eat it immediately and went a few steps before swallowing and yeah that was the moment I was waiting to capture. That’s when I took this beautiful picture of the Great Egret with the fish in its mouth.

Birds Photography

Hey friends!! It’s been a long since I shared anything with you all. My few past months were too busy due to office work and some other things going around but it comes to an ease now. Hope you all are doing great in your life.

As many of you may know that I have a great interest in photography so, In these few past months luckily I got some time to work on my photography skills. I took some time to practice photography with my Canon 700D and learned more about the camera’s manual settings and played with the exposure triangle which is basically the setting in the DSLR camera, Aperture, ISO, and Shutter speed. During practice, I took so many beautiful shots and so so many bad shots, but as you know mistakes are the better lessons so all the bad shots are worth more than the good captures. I have learned from my mistakes and am still learning to get better at manual photography.

But one thing that I want to share with you today is that, in these few months, In this journey of getting close to photography, a new turn has come to my interest. I got a chance to visit the Jim Corbett National Park in January 2023 which I already shared in one of my previous blogs, there I took some amazing shots of wild animals and beautiful birds and since then my interest in capturing (wild) animals and beloved feathered friends has increased. I realized that capturing birds and animal are way more difficult than taking pictures of human or any other objects. Animals and birds are uncertain, they do not wait for you to take a perfect picture of them instead you have to wait for the right moment to press the shutter button to capture the perfect picture. It is challenging and that is what I love about it. I always get excited now when I hear the voice of any bird around me. So now, I am learning more about understanding tactics and camera techniques to take pictures of birds by watching some videos on youtube or finding any helpful content available on the web and also practicing more and more.

So today I am sharing some beautiful birds that I captured in the few past months. I hope you will love all of them.