Looking back, life before the internet!!!

Do you remember life before the internet?

I was born in the 1992, and while the internet was around, it wasn’t as big as it is now. I remember life before it became a part of our daily routines. We spent more time outside, playing with friends and exploring the neighborhood. After school, we’d gather for games like cricket, hide-and-seek, football, and so many other games. It was all about physical activity and direct interaction.

For entertainment, we relied on TV and CD/DVD players. Sunday mornings were dedicated to cartoons, and on weekend, movie nights with family were a treat. Comics book were a significant part of my childhood too. I remember visiting the library often with my sister and cousins, and we’d spend hours there.

Birthdays meant handwritten cards, not social media posts. I used to celebrate my birthday by distributing candies in my classroom and in the evening cutting cake with family and all my friends. A piece of cake, some chips, chow mein/noodles, some candies and a glass of cold drink, that was a typical menu of birthday celebration.

Looking back, life before the internet was simpler and slower. We were more present in the moment, connecting face-to-face rather than through screens. It’s fascinating to see how much has changed, but those pre-internet days hold a special place in my heart and I am sure in yours too. 😊

15 thoughts on “Looking back, life before the internet!!!

  1. My friend I do remember the world before the internet but I was born many years before you. I agree with you that many people have lost appreciation for written letters and cards over emails and texts; however not everyone. I enjoy mailing books and cards the old fashioned way as I feel they have more substance and appeal. You are not old fashioned by the way, you retain the appreciation for slower and simpler moments and I hope you always will.

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    1. Yes, I believe there is more feelings and love involves when you do efforts to make something special for your loved ones. I used to make greeting cards on many occasions like New Year, Christmas, Birhtdays, or Diwali. That feeling is no more there in the new world of posting pictures on Instagram or Facebook stories.

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  2. I enjoyed this very much! While I was also born many years before you, it resonates. During the pandemic, I made homemade cards and wrote letters to friends and family regularly. Yes, I could have called, or texted or emailed, but there was something about putting together a card I made (like a little mini piece of art), naming it, dating it, and signing it as if I were an actual artist that was fun for me. That activity led me to pursuing other art forms.

    Comic books, TV (even though it was black and white until 1963 for us!), the occasional movie in a theater, and lots of reading and books from the library were mainstays in addition to lots of outside play using our imaginations, not fancy toys. We were more present in the moment then, and we can be now, while still enjoying the benefits that the Internet brings. I like to think of it as the Internet should be an adjunct support in our lives, but not replace our lives outside of it. Thank you for sharing this, Tamanjeet.

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    1. I remember I used to make greeting cards on New Year, Christmas, Diwali, or Birthdays for my siblings. That time was more fun. Now my Niece do the same, she makes greeting cards for everyone on their birthdays.

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  3. I remember when I needed to try to remember many phone numbers. And buy almost everything from local shops. I remember having some privacy.

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  4. You are very right 👍 we lost lots of things from life for the internet but we got many new things also 😁 like sitting with phone all the time forgetting all 😂😂😂

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  5. Very true…Life before the Internet was simple; there was no online shopping, and we made greeting cards and wrote quotes by hand.
    The internet has made everything simple and easy, but sometimes I feel that time was better🙂🙂


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